Home > Exhibition > KANO Takao solo exhibition

白白庵 オンライン+アポイントメント限定企画 | PAKUPAKUAN Online + Appointment Limited exhibition


Let’s fire, paint, sing and dance.

白白庵 オンライン+アポイントメント企画
陶 芸 家 ・ か の う た か お 個 展

PAKUPAKUAN presents | Ceramic artist KANO Takao solo exhibition
"Jam on the ground"

 日時 2021年7月24日(土)午前11時 ~ 8月2日(月)午後7時
 会場 白白庵オンラインショップ 《PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP》 内特設ページ

 DATE & TIME : 2021.7.24 Sat. 11:00am. - 8.2 Mon. 7:00pm.
 VENUE : Special issues page on 《PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP》
 日程 2021年7月24日(土)~ 8月2日(月)のうち、金・土・日・月曜日 限定
 時間 午前11時~午後7時 の間で 一時間枠

 会場 白白庵(1階エントランスギャラリー、2階サロン)

【Appointment for visiting PAKUPAKUAN gallery】
 DATE : Only Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and National holidays during 2021.7.24 Sat. - 8.2 Mon.
 TIME : 1 hour during 11:00am. to 7:00pm.
 *Only less than 3 people will be accepted in each time schedules.
 *We do not give the permission to visit to our gallery if visitors will be over 3 members.
 *Please contact us if you hope to visit us, until in business hours (11:00-19:00) of the day before visit (mail, telephone, or message from any SNS).
 *Mask wearing, alcohol sterilization, the thermometry at the entrance are required.

 VENUE : PAKUPAKUAN (Entrance gallery at 1st floor, salon at 2nd floor)
【酒数奇者・佐々木達郎 の「俺の酒・俺の盃」ライブ配信】
 7月24日(土) 午後5時~ (約45分)
 出演 佐々木  達郎 (酒数奇者 / 「酒器道楽」主宰)
    かのう たかお (陶芸家)
 *白白庵Facebookページから配信します。 https://www.facebook.com/pakupakuan


【Talk live streaming by SASAKI Tatsuro (Man of well-cultivated tastes for sake) "My sake, my cups"】
 viewing free
 [Date] JULY 24 (Sat), 2021 [Time] 17:00~ (about 45min.)
 [Talk live] SASAKI Tatsuro ("Man of well-cultivated tastes for sake" / The representative of "SHUKI DO-RAKU")
      KANO Takao (Ceramic artist)
 *Stream on PAKUPAKUAN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pakupakuan

佐々木 達郎 SASAKI Tatsuro

さながら、かのうたかおの「NEW HITS & RARE TRACKS」とでも呼べそうな「A面 / B面」をお楽しみいただけることでしょう。




KANO Takao, a ceramic artist with a background in Kyoto pottery, has dug deeper into his unique "roots" through his experiences in Africa.
This will be his 4th solo exhibition at PAKUPAKUAN, and he will be showing his latest "NOYAKI (pit firing pottery)" series for the first time.
In addition, ISHIBASHI Keigo, the director of PAKUPAKUAN, personally selects and shows unpublished and rare works from recent years.
You will be able to enjoy the "A-side / B-side" of "NEW HITS & RARE TRACKS" by KANO Takao.

In particular, the new work "NOYAKI" utilizes the firing method of "NOYAKI (pit firing pottery)," which is considered to be the origin of pottery in human history. He combines NOYAKI with the act of "painting," which has also been handed down from generation to generation in human history, in order to present a modern version of primitive and primal ceramic works that transcend time and space.

The act of using "fire," the most important gift given to mankind by God, to burn "earth," the flesh and blood of the earth.
The act of "drawing" as a record of humanity, which has been preserved in cave murals, buildings, and ancient paper since ancient times.
KANO has found romance and "prayer" in each of these acts, which have continued throughout the grand history of humanity.

In the midst of the Tokyo Olympic Games, which are being held under the COVID-19, a humorous and funky jam session based on the long history of ceramics will be run in a quiet corner here in Gaienmae area.
From Tokyo, we will bring the joy of ART, which is as essential to humanity as SPORTS, to people all over the world.

招き招き猫 The Beckoning Cat with One-Thousand-Arms (2015) 酒器・ぐい呑各種 Sake pitcher & Guinomi (sake cups)(various ages)

PTF皿 Primitive, Traditional & Futuristic plate(2018~)

PTF水指 Primitive, Traditional & Futuristic water jar for the tea ceremony(2018-) 古代紋蚊遣器 Device to repel mosquitoes by fumigation, with Ancient graphic pattern(2017)

【 白白庵オンラインショップ 期間限定 】 PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP For a limited time ※会期終了しました。This exhibition was finished.
かのうたかお KANO Takao 《Jam on the ground》NEW HITS "NOYAKI" / 新作・野焼作品コレクション
かのうたかお KANO Takao《Jam on the ground》RARE TRACKS & DEAD STOCKS - from last 5 years - / 5年間の掘り出し・蔵出し作品コレクション
白白庵オンラインショップでは上記作品他にもより多くの作品を掲載しております 【期間限定】 陶芸家・かのうたかお 個展 「Jam on the ground」
and more PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP Ceramic artist KANO Takao solo exhibition "Jam on the ground"

【 出 展 作 家 】 Artist
かのう たかお KANO Takao

(陶芸家 / 京都府在住)
1974 京都生まれ
1998 京都精華大学美術学部造形学科陶芸専攻 卒業
1998~2001 青年海外協力隊隊員として西アフリカ・ニジェール共和国にて作陶指導(陶磁器隊員)
2008 「第八回国際陶磁器展美濃」・銀賞
2013 第一回『天祭 一〇八』「増上寺現代コレクション」・グランプリ
2020 第一回『壺1グランプリ』・グランプリ(白白庵)

Ceramic artist / Resident in Kyoto pref.
1974 Born in Kyoto
1998 Graduated from Ceramics Course at Faculty of Art, Kyoto Seika University
1998-2001 Gave guidance on making ceramics as a Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOVC) at Republic of Niger in West Africa
2008 Silver Prize, "The 8th International Ceramics Competition Mino"
2013 Grand Prize, "Zojoji Contemporary Collection" at "!st Tensai 108" (Zojoji Temple / Tokyo)
2020 Grand Prize, "1st TSUBO-1 Grand Prix" (PAKUPAKUAN / Tokyo)

【 企画・ディレクション 】 Planning, Direction
石橋 圭吾 (白白庵) ISHIBASHI Keigo (PAKUPAKUAN)

茶盌 Tea bowl(2018) 壺 The pot(2019)

香合 各種 Various incense containers(2015~)