Home > Exhibition > YAMADA Hiroyuki solo exhibition

白白庵 企画 オンライン+ギャラリー開催 | PAKUPAKUAN presents Online + Gallery exhibition


Idea to spring out of the chaos.

白白庵 企画 オンライン+ギャラリー開催
陶 芸 家 ・ 山 田 浩 之 個 展

Ceramic artist YAMADA Hiroyuki solo exhibition

 日時 2021年10月16日(土) 午前11時 ~ 25日(月)午後7時
 会場 白白庵オンラインショップ 《PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP》 内特設ページ

【ON LINE viewing】
 DATE & TIME : 2021.10.16 Sat. 11:00am. - 25 Mon. 7:00pm.
 VENUE : Special issues page on 《PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP》
 日程 2021年10月16日(土)・17日(日)・23日(土)・24日(日)《予約不要・入場無料》

 時間 午前11時~午後7時
 会場 白白庵(1階エントランスギャラリー&茶室、2階サロン)

【GALLERY exhibition】
 DATE : Only Saturday & Sunday during 2021.10.16 Sat. - 10.25 Mon. 《No appointment required, entrance free》
 *Please contact us if you hope to visit gallery on Monday or Friday by mail, telephone, or message from any SNS.
 *Closed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
 *Mask wearing, alcohol sterilization, the thermometry at the entrance are required.
 TIME : 11:00am. to 7:00pm.
 VENUE : PAKUPAKUAN (Entrance gallery at 1st floor & Tea room, salon at 2nd floor)

楽園流紋花器 Marbling “paradise” vase

【酒数奇者・佐々木達郎 の「俺の酒・俺の盃」ライブ配信】
 10月16日(土) 午後5時~ (約45分)
 出演 佐々木  達郎 (酒数奇者 / 「酒器道楽」主宰)
    山田   浩之 (陶芸家)
 *白白庵Facebookページから配信します。 https://www.facebook.com/pakupakuan
 ≫ 酒数奇者・佐々木達郎 の「俺の酒・俺の盃」過去のライブ配信動画


【Talk live streaming by SASAKI Tatsuro (Man of well-cultivated tastes for sake) "My sake, my cups"】
 viewing free
 [Date] OCT 16 (Sat), 2021 [Time] 17:00~ (about 45min.)
 [Talk live] SASAKI Tatsuro ("Man of well-cultivated tastes for sake" / The representative of "SHUKI DO-RAKU")
      YAMADA Hiroyuki (Ceramic artist)
 *Stream on PAKUPAKUAN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pakupakuan
 ≫ Talk live streaming by SASAKI Tatsuro, Past live streaming video.

佐々木 達郎 SASAKI Tatsuro

楽園流紋ゴブレット Marbling "paradise" goblet





Chaos has come to the everyday life that we take for granted.
It was like a tectonic shift that made the people of the earth panic and shudder, and prompted them to create a new everyday life.
How many people felt that chaos lurked in the everyday life that had seemed so natural?

YAMADA Hiroyuki, a ceramic artist living in Shigaraki, is known for his overflowing ideas and humor, as well as his excellent technique to materialize them.
Because he is so dexterous and prolific, it is difficult to grasp the full picture of his art world.
YAMADA himself is constantly struggling to express himself.
If there were a word that could describe the essence of his works, it might be "something born of chaos".

Even though chaos is disorder, if we keep moving, some new order will be born.
Not only humans, but all living things, multiply their lives created from chaos by the order of "cell division".
Eventually, chaos is created by the vast number of living things that cover the earth, and from that chaos, a new order of survival is found.
Evolution and natural selection have been repeated.

The works created by YAMADA Hiroyuki remind us of the energy of life forms that continue to grow and evolve through daily cell division.
And their existence will bring about changes in our consciousness and daily life.
Yes, from the moment we hold a piece of YAMADA Hiroyuki 's work in our hands, a new "cell division" begins within us.

Cats 陶画 Ceramic pictures
楽園流紋花器 Marbling "paradise" vase

【 白白庵オンラインショップ 期間限定 】 PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP For a limited time ※会期終了しました。This exhibition was finished.
"Viva ! Kara-Pale (colorful palette)"
"Temptation of Yvonne"
"The forest which exists of rich soil and creatures"
白白庵オンラインショップでは上記作品他にもより多くの作品を掲載しております 【期間限定】 陶芸家・山田 浩之 個展 「細胞分裂」
and more PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP Ceramic artist YAMADA Hiroyuki solo exhibition "CELL DIVISION" ~ The other world ~

【 出 展 作 家 】 Artist
山田 浩之 YAMADA Hiroyuki

(陶芸家 / 滋賀県在住)
1970 兵庫県篠山市生まれ
1992 岡山大学卒業
1993 丹波立杭焼窯元で修業
1994 滋賀県立陶芸の森の研修作家として作陶
1996 信楽町黄瀬にて独立
2001 信楽町宮町に工房を移転

Ceramic artist / Resident in Shiga pref.
【Brief personal history】
1970 Born in Sasayama city, Hyogo Prefecture
1992 Graduated from Okayama University
1993 Trained under one of Tamba Tachikui potteries
1994 Made ceramics as an artist trainee at The Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park
Started working at Shigaraki pottery
1996 Set his own atelier at Kinose, Shigaraki-cho
2001 Moved his atelier to Miyamachi, Shigaraki-cho

【 企画・ディレクション 】 Planning, Direction
石橋 圭吾 (白白庵) ISHIBASHI Keigo (PAKUPAKUAN)

陶画 Ceramic picture