Home > Exhibition > TOMITA Hiroyuki solo exhibition

白白庵 オンライン+アポイントメント限定企画 | PAKUPAKUAN Online + Appointment Limited exhibition


~ 新天地より愛を込めて ~
He gives art with love from the new world.

白白庵 オンライン+アポイントメント企画
陶 芸 家 ・ 富 田 啓 之 個 展

Ceramic artist TOMITA Hiroyuki solo exhibition
"Atmosphere of the flash of light"

 日時 2021年9月4日(土) 午前11時 ~ 13日(月)午後7時
 会場 白白庵オンラインショップ 《PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP》 内特設ページ

 DATE & TIME : 2021.9.4 Sat. 11:00am. - 13 Mon. 7:00pm.
 VENUE : Special issues page on 《PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP》
 日程 2021年9月4日(土)~ 13日(月)のうち、金・土・日・月曜日 限定
 時間 午前11時~午後7時 の間で 一時間枠

 会場 白白庵(1階エントランスギャラリー&茶室、2階サロン)

【Appointment for visiting PAKUPAKUAN gallery】
 DATE : Only Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and National holidays during 2021.9.4 Sat. - 13 Mon.
 TIME : 1 hour during 11:00am. to 7:00pm.
 *Only less than 3 people will be accepted in each time schedules.
 *We do not give the permission to visit to our gallery if visitors will be over 3 members.
 *Please contact us if you hope to visit us, until in business hours (11:00-19:00) of the day before visit (mail, telephone, or message from any SNS).
 *Mask wearing, alcohol sterilization, the thermometry at the entrance are required.

 VENUE : PAKUPAKUAN (Entrance gallery at 1st floor & Tea room, salon at 2nd floor)

【酒数奇者・佐々木達郎 の「俺の酒・俺の盃」ライブ配信】
 9月11日(土) 午後5時~ (約45分)
 出演 佐々木  達郎 (酒数奇者 / 「酒器道楽」主宰)
    富田   啓之 (陶芸家)
 *白白庵Facebookページから配信します。 https://www.facebook.com/pakupakuan


【Talk live streaming by SASAKI Tatsuro (Man of well-cultivated tastes for sake) "My sake, my cups"】
 viewing free
 [Date] SEP 11 (Sat), 2021 [Time] 17:00~ (about 45min.)
 [Talk live] SASAKI Tatsuro ("Man of well-cultivated tastes for sake" / The representative of "SHUKI DO-RAKU")
      TOMITA Hiroyuki (Ceramic artist)
 *Stream on PAKUPAKUAN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pakupakuan

佐々木 達郎 SASAKI Tatsuro




This is his first solo exhibition since moving from the ocean town he was used to living in for many years to a place surrounded by mountains.
The second chapter of TOMITA Hiroyuki's grand story begins here.

He does not get caught up in conventional ceramic thinking, but embodies free and large scale images.
His open-minded style is widely supported both in Japan and abroad.
He has developed a colorful and gorgeous series of sake cups (guinomi) with gold, silver, and platinum glaze.
The tea bowls are not only flamboyant but also low-keyed, and fascinate us.
His vases of various sizes have a strong presence and express his sculptural presence, which can be called his quintessence, in a variety of forms.

In addition to his conventional open-mindedness, his newly created works strongly convey a sense of "prayer".
The world has changed completely, and he himself has stepped into a new world, so what does he see ahead?
The title, "Atmosphere of the flash of light”, is TOMITA’s own idea.
A signpost to a new world will emerge from the unsettled atmosphere where thunder roars.

  “キューブ花器” Cube vase 各種
“ぐい呑” Guinomi (Sake cup) 各種 “片口” Lipped bowl 各種

【 白白庵オンラインショップ 期間限定 】 PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP For a limited time ※会期終了しました。This exhibition was finished.
"Atmosphere of flash of light"
"Stone or egg"
"Oro ga mite"
白白庵オンラインショップでは上記作品他にもより多くの作品を掲載しております 【期間限定】 陶芸家・富田 啓之 個展 「閃光のアトモスフィア」
and more PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP Ceramic artist TOMITA Hiroyuki solo exhibition "Atmosphere of the flash of light" ~ The other world ~

【 出 展 作 家 】 Artist
富田 啓之 TOMITA Hiroyuki

(陶芸家 / 群馬県在住)
1977 神奈川県大磯町に生まれる
1998 藤沢市《さいとう工房》にて金属造形を学ぶ
2000 陶芸家 伊集院真理子に師事
2007 神奈川県伊勢原市にて独立
2021 群馬県邑楽町に移住
2013 第2回 ささま国際陶芸祭 出展 (静岡)
2015・2018 「陶ism」実行委員会・代表を務める(横浜赤レンガ倉庫 / 神奈川)
2017 京都瑞鳳堂と共に太平洋崇光SOGO百貨公司日本展(台北, 台湾)
2018 Yeosu International Art Festival 出品
NANA 台湾-日本芸術家合同巡回展(台湾)

Ceramic artist / Resident in Gunma pref.
【Brief personal history】
1977 Born in Kanagawa Prefecture
1998 Learned under "Atelier SAITO" (Metal art)
2000 Learned under IJUIN Mariko (Ceramic artist)
2007 Independent as a Ceramic artist
【Major exhibitions】
2013 “The 2nd Sasama International Ceramic Art Festival” (Sasama City / Shizuoka)
2015,2018 Organized "Tou-ism" (Yokohama city / Kanagawa)
2017 Japan Exhibition ※Exhibited from Kyoto Zuihodo (Pacific SOGO Department Stores / Taipei, Taiwan)
2018 Yeosu International Art Festival 2017 (Yeosu, Korea)
NANA Taiwan - Japan Artists Joint Traveling Exhibition (Taiwan)

【 企画・ディレクション 】 Planning, Direction
石橋 圭吾 (白白庵) ISHIBASHI Keigo (PAKUPAKUAN)

“茶碗” Tea bowl 各種 “掛け花” Hanging flower vase