Home > 2019 Exhibition > Minami Aoyama Great Tea Party

白 白 庵 リ ニ ュ ー ア ル オ ー プ ン 記 念 企 画 | PAKU PAKU AN Reopen after renovation Event

平 成 最 後 の 大 茶 会 。 The last great tea ceremony of the Heisei Period.

The commemoration exhibition of reopening after being remodeled
“Minami Aoyama Great Tea Party”
[日 程] 2019年3月30日(土) - 4月24日(水) *木曜定休
[時 間] 午前11時 - 午後8時
[会 場] 白白庵(1階・2階・3階 全館)
[Date] March 30 (Sat) - April 24 (Wed), 2019 *NOTE: We are closed on every Thursday.
[Time] Open: 11:00 am Close: 08:00 pm
[Place] PAKUPAKUAN (Ground Floor, Second Floor, Third Floor, Entire Building)
The newborn PAKUPAKUAN will be finally reopening, developing from the plenty of acquired connections and experience during the last 6 years since we have started in 2013.
The ground floor is modified from a storage room to a Japanese tea room and a gallery space. The second and third floor is also renovated, and the rooftop will be also accessible. The newborn PAKUPAKUAN will be the hub to appreciate artworks and to experience culture in the entire building.
We enhance quality, skills, service, and efficiency in order to approach to people from all over the world and spread Japanese contemporary suki (refined tastes) domestically and overseas.
As the very first project of the newborn PAKUPAKUAN, we will be holding the group exhibition of artists who target the world together, whose theme is “the future-oriented tea ceremony”.
開催日 : 3/30(土)・31(日) 時間 : 16:00 - 20:00
スペシャルゲスト  酒数奇者 佐々木達郎 (日本酒セレクト)、 井上大輔 (ARTS / バーテンダー)(カクテル)
呈茶 30(土): 松村宗亮 (裏千家茶道准教授・SHUHALLY主宰)、31(日): 矢島愛子 (白白庵)
佐々木 達郎
SASAKI Tatsuro
  井上 大輔
INOUE Daisuke
  松村 宗亮
  矢島 愛子
【Opening Reception Party (2Days)】
[Dates] March 30 (Sat), 31 (Sun)
[Time] 04:00 pm to 08:00 pm
[Special Guests] Tatsuro Sasaki (Sake Sukisha / Selected Japanese Sake), Daisuke Inoue (Bartender from ARTS / Cocktail)
[Tea Serving] March 30 (Sat) Soryo Matsumura (Urasenke Tea Master / SHUHALLY), 31 (Sun) Aiko Yajima (PAKU PAKU AN)
[Price] Free of charge One cup of matcha green tea and sweets included
《Free to Join, No reservation is required (Guests will be served in order of arrival).》
The first 2 days of the newborn PAKUPAKUAN opening reception, you would enjoy sake and pleasant talks with the artists with appreciating their artworks.
There will be tea parties held on the ground floor: On the 30th (Sat), Soryo Matsumura, who is the tea master representing the contemporary tea ceremony, will be serving tea. On the 31st (Sun), Aiko Yajima, who newly joined PAKUPAKUAN as a “Teaist”, will be holding tea parties.
At the bar counter on the second floor, a new partner, Daisuke Inoue, who is the up-and-coming bartender of “ARTS” in Minami Aoyama, will be offering cocktails.
On the third floor, “Sake Sukisha” Tatsuro Sasaki entertains Japanese Sake selected by himself with items for sake (Guinomi, Sake cups etc.) by exhibited artists.
If it would be sunny, we would be preparing for entertainment on the rooftop.
We would like you to enjoy every inch of the newborn PAKUPAKUAN.
《Free to Join, No reservation is required (Guests will be served in order of arrival). NOTE: The contents are subject to change.》
開催日 : 4/7(日) 時間 : 13:00 - 18:00 (時間内で先着順・40名まで)
料金 無料 薄茶一服、お菓子付き
呈茶  小堀 芙由子 (小堀遠州流)
小堀 芙由子
【Tea Ceremony conducted by KOBORI Fuyuko】
[Dates] April 7 (Sun)
[Time] 01:00 pm - 06:00 pm (to the first 40 guests)
[Price] Free of charge One cup of matcha green tea and sweets included
[Tea Serving] KOBORI Fuyuko (Kobori Enshu Ryu School)
In the tea room on the ground floor, KOBORI Fuyuko will be holding easy-to-join tea parties to entertain everyone with tea bowls and tea utensils from exhibited artists. She is the next head (iemoto) of Kobori Enshu Ryu school (the head of the tea ceremony school), and you would appreciate her stylish and elegant tea.
《Free to Join, No reservation is required (Guests will be served in order of arrival).》
開催日 : 4/20(土)・21(日) 時間 : 13:00 - 18:00 (時間内で先着順・40名まで)
料金 無料 薄茶一服、お菓子付き
呈茶  傳田 妙京 (武者小路千家・「れんぴか」主宰)
傳田 妙京
DENDA Myokyo
【Tea Ceremony conducted by DENDA Myokyo】
[Dates] April 20 (Sat), 21 (Sun)
[Time] 01:00 pm - 06:00 pm
[Price] Free of charge One cup of matcha green tea and sweets included
[Tea Serving] DENDA Myokyo (Mushakouji-Senke Tea Instructor / lempicka)
In the tea room on the ground floor, DENDA Myokyo will be holding easy-to-join tea parties to entertain everyone with tea bowls and tea utensils from exhibited artists. She kindly instructs all of you to keep healthy both physically and mentally, and even beginners also would get into the spirit of the tea ceremony.
《Free to Join, No reservation is required (Guests will be served in order of arrival, to the first 40 guests).》
【 出 展 作 家 】 (五十音順・敬称略)
石田    慎 ISHIDA Makoto(切子硝子 / 兵庫) 伊藤   千穂 ITO Chiho(陶芸 / 愛知)
井上   雅博 INOUE Masahiro(京表具井上光雅堂 / 京都)    大下   邦弘 OSHITA Kunihiro(ガラス / 滋賀)
大橋   哲哉 OHASHI Tetsuya(陶芸 / 岐阜) 小野澤  弘一  ONOZAWA Koichi(陶芸 / 栃木)
海野   貴彦 KAINO Takahiko(画家 / 愛媛) 加藤    渉 KATO Wataru(和紙照明・造形作家 / 埼玉)
かのう たかお KANO Takao(陶芸 / 京都) 木ノ戸 久仁子 KINOTO Kuniko(陶芸 / 滋賀)
金    理有 KIM Riyoo(陶芸 / 神奈川) Keicondo Keicondo(陶芸 / 茨城)
小孫  哲太郎 KOMAGO Tetsutaro(陶芸 / 埼玉) 塩谷   良太 SHIOYA Ryota(陶芸 / 茨城)
篠原    希 SHINOHARA Nozomu(陶芸 / 滋賀) シマカミリッカ SHIMAKAMI Rikka(絵画 / 鹿児島)
書家 白石雪妃 SHIRAISHI Setsuhi(書 / 東京) 書道家  万美 Calligrapher MAMI(カリグラフィティー / 東京・大阪)   
角居   康宏 SUMII Yasuhiro(金工 / 長野) 髙木   基栄 TAKAGI Motohide(ガラス / 石川)
田中   元将 TANAKA Motomasa(陶芸 / 三重) 谷口   和正 TANIGUCHI Kazumasa(彫刻 / 京都)
田村    一 TAMURA Hajime(陶芸 / 秋田) 樽田   裕史 TARUTA Hiroshi(陶芸 / 愛知)
津田   友子 TSUDA Tomoko(陶芸 / 京都) 寺田   鉄平 TERADA Teppei(陶芸 / 愛知)
苫米地  正樹 TOMABECHI Masaki(陶芸 / 三重) 富田   啓之 TOMITA Hiroyuki(陶芸 / 神奈川)
新見  麻紗子 NIIMI Masako(陶芸 / 千葉) 根本    知 NEMOTO Satoshi(書 / 東京)
BAKIBAKI BAKIBAKI(アーティスト / 大阪) 菱田   賢治 HISHIDA Kenji(陶芸 / 静岡)
穂高   隆児 HODAKA Ryuji(陶芸 / 茨城) 前川   多仁 MAEKAWA Kazuhito(染織 / 兵庫)
松本   光太 MATSUMOTO Kota(漆工 / 香川) 松本   治幸 MATSUMOTO Haruyuki(陶芸 / 滋賀)
山口   由次 YAMAGUCHI Yuji(陶芸 / 愛知) 山田   浩之 YAMADA Hiroyuki(陶芸 / 滋賀)
やまだ あやこ YAMADA Ayako(刺繍バッグ / 滋賀)  
【 3 階 ギ ャ ラ リ ー で の 個 展 (併 催) 作 家 】
髙橋    良 TAKAHASHI Ryo(水墨画 / 滋賀)

石橋   圭吾 ISHIBASHI Keigo(白白庵|有限会社ニュートロン)