Home > Exhibition > TERADA Teppei solo exhibition

白 白 庵 企 画 | PAKUPAKUAN presents


待 望 の 白 白 庵 初 個 展

The first solo show of the expectation, in PAKUPAKUAN

寺 田 鉄 平 個 展

Ceramic Artist TERADA Teppei solo exhibition "SETO SHIRO"
【日 程】 2020年日(土)- 19日(水)*木曜定休
【時 間】 午前11時 - 午後8時
【会 場】 白白庵(3階ギャラリー)

 [Date] Feb 1 (Sat) - 19 (Wed), 2020 *closed on every Thursday.
 [Time] Open: 11:00 am Close: 08:00 pm
 [Place] PAKUPAKUAN (Third Floor)

世代を牽引する作り手が 遂に、白白庵初個展。
Majestic and resourceful.
The artist, who leads this generation, finally holds his first solo exhibition at PAKUPAKUAN.
TERADA Teppei, who has a presence in “Hyouge Jissaku (The extreme potters’ group from the courtesy of a popular comic “HYOUGE MONO” (KODANSHA / Yoshihiro Yamada))” as one of the most talented artists.
He is now consolidating the position of the ceramic artist who represents this generation: He is called a young leader from Seto City, Aichi.
Though his ORIBE works and Seto tea bowls have light touches, they still create a profound impression, which is highly popular among not only ceramic fans but also beginners.
He has newly invented a series called “SETO SHIRO” for the long-awaited first solo exhibition at PAKUPAKUAN.
He has developed a white glaze made by mud in Seto, which strikes a fresh note in his works that have a strong image of “black”.
Now is the time to unveil his new works!!

【 井上大輔氏(ARTS)によるカクテル呈茶会 】 Cocktail ceremony using tea bowls, by INOUE Daisuke (bar ARTS)
日 時 / 2月1日(土) 16:00-19:00
カクテル点前 / 井上 大輔(「ARTS」 バーテンダー)
《一杯 1,500円(込)カクテル一杯、お菓子付 / 予約不要(先着順30名様)》

[Date] Feb 1 (Sat) 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
[Cocktail Serving] INOUE Daisuke (Bar “ARTS”)
《1,500JPY for to Join, No reservation is required.》(Guests will be served in order of arrival, to the first 30 guests.)
井上 大輔
INOUE Daisuke
【 傳田妙京氏による呈茶会 】 Tea Ceremony by DENDA Myokyo
日 時 / 2月9日(日) 13:00-18:00
呈 茶 / 傳田 妙京 (武者小路千家 / れんぴか 主宰)
1階茶室にて、武者小路千家 茶道教授・傳田氏による呈茶会。
《1,500円(込) 薄茶一服、お菓子付 / 予約不要(先着順40名様)》

[Date] Feb 9 (Sun) 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm
[Tea Serving] DENDA Myokyo (Mushakouji-senke Tea Ceremony / lempicka)
《1,500JPY to Join, No reservation is required.》(Guests will be served in order of arrival, to the first 40 guests.)
傳田 妙京
DENDA Myokyo
【 出 展 作 家 】 Artist
寺田 鉄平 TERADA Teppei(陶芸家 / 愛知)

陶芸家 / 愛知県在住
1975 生まれ
1998 東京造形大学彫刻科卒業
2000 朝日現代クラフト展・入選
2006 朝日陶芸展・入選
    ユネスコ「The Blue of Samarkand」陶芸シンポジウム招待(ウズベキスタン)
2009 京畿道世界陶磁ビエンナーレ(韓国)・入選
2011 第9回国際陶磁器展美濃(多治見市)・入選
2013・2016 第1回・2回藤四郎トリエンナーレ(瀬戸市)・入選

Ceramic artist / resident in AICHI pref.
1975 Born in Seto City, Aichi Prefecture
1998 Graduated from Sculpture Major – Department of Fine Arts, Tokyo Zokei University
2006 Selected, “Asahi Ceramic Art Exhibition”
    Invited to Ceramic Symposium of UNESCO “The Blue of Samarkand” (Uzbekistan)
2009 Selected, “Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale” (South Korea)
2011 Selected, “The 9th International Ceramic Competition Mino” (Tajimi City, Gifu)
    Fine Work, “13th Tokyo - New York Friendship Ceramic Competition” (New York, USA)
2013 Selected, “The 1st TOSHIRO Triennale” (Seto City, Aichi) (’16)

【 企画・ディレクション 】 Direction
石橋 圭吾 ISHIBASHI Keigo(白白庵主宰・アートディレクター)