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PAKUPAKUAN Concept & History

白 白 庵 の コ ン セ プ ト と 歩 み

Introduction of PAKUPAKUAN

京都で2001年に開業し、2011年まで「食とアート」をテーマに多ジャンルの新進気鋭アーティストの発信拠点となった「neutron」、2009年から2012年まで「住空間とアート」をテーマに現代美術系アーティストを中心に発信した「neutron tokyo」を手がけたアートディレクター・石橋圭吾(有限会社ニュートロン代表取締役)が、2013年より始動させたのが「白白庵」(ぱくぱくあん)。

従来の「美術(アート)」「工芸(クラフト)」と言った分け隔てを無くし、日本が世界に誇る伝統工芸から最新のクリエイティブまでをフラットな関係性で提示することで、欧米中心のアートシーンに一石を投じる意味での「JAPANESE HYBRID ART」を提唱。


中でも芝・増上寺(浄土宗大本山)にて2013年から2016年まで開催した「天祭 一〇八」(てんさいいちまるはち)では、公募で集まった全国各地の埋もれた才能を発掘し、日本の歴史上において美術・工芸の発展の土壌となってきた寺社仏閣における新たな文化発信の取り組みとして注目を集めた。

2016年春よりパークホテル東京 25階・アートラウンジの展示コーディネートを担当し、漫画『へうげもの』(山田芳裕・講談社)と秋田の蔵元集団『NEXT5』のコラボレーション企画など、様々な趣向を凝らした内容で毎回多くの外国人宿泊客やレストラン利用者を楽しませている。


Art Director, ISHIBASHI Keigo (the representative director of neutron Ltd), started his business “neutron” in Kyoto in 2001, which became a hub for up-and-coming artists under the theme of “food and art” until 2011. He also managed “neutron tokyo” to spread mainly contemporary artists, whose theme was “living space and art” from 2009 to 2012. It is PAKUPAKUAN that he originated from 2013.

He proposes “JAPANESE HYBRID ART” to cause a stir in the Western standard art scene by eliminating the separation such as “art” or “craft” in Japan, and also impartially presenting artworks from traditional Japanese crafts to the latest creative works.

He has interacted with various talented artists in their 30's and 40's in Japan: He has held exhibitions at his own gallery, PAKUPAKUAN, at Minami Aoyama, planned and organized events at nationwide famous department stores, and participated in art fairs as an executive committee member.

Among his projects, “Tensai 108” at Jodosyu Daihonzan (head temple of Jodo sect) Zojoji Temple in Shiba, Tokyo, held from 2013 to 2016 discovered buried talents all over Japan from public applications. The event attracted significant attention as a new approach to spread culture at shrines and temples, where have been the base of the developing art and craft in Japanese history.

Since the spring of 2016, he has been in charge of exhibition coordinates at the Art Lounge on the 25th floor at Park Hotel Tokyo. Such as collaboration projects of manga "Hyougemono" (YAMADA Yoshihiro / Kodansha) and of the Japanese sake brewery group "NEXT 5" in Akita, every entertainment event entertains many foreign guests and restaurant users.

PAKUPAKUAN reopens the whole building at the end of March after a large-scale renovation, which will be newly established a full-blown tea room and a bar counter. It would be a base to disseminate the latest Japanese art and culture more powerfully than ever. (As of February 28)