白 白 庵 企 画 | PAKUPAKUAN presents
全 て を 焦 が す 、 生 命 の 赤 。
Red of the life to burn all.藤 本 絢 子 個 展

Spring season special exhibition : Painting artist FUJIMOTO Ayako solo exhibition "KO-RO ITTEN NO YUKI" |
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【時 間】 午前11時 - 午後8時
【会 場】 白白庵(3階ギャラリー)
[Date] Mar 21 (Sat) - Apr 8 (Wed), 2020 *closed on every Thursday.
[Time] Open: 11:00 am Close: 08:00 pm
[Place] PAKUPAKUAN (Third Floor)
ど ろ り め ら り 焦 が し つ つ 生 き て い る デビューからおよそ10年を迎え新境地を開きつつある、画家・藤本絢子の個展を初開催します。 白白庵の前身・neutron時代から主宰の石橋圭吾とじっくり親交を深め、満を持しての登場となります。 代表的な「金魚」や「椿」のシリーズに加え、今回は燃え盛るような朝焼け・夕焼けの情景も活写。 自身の内面から迸るような鮮烈な赤は、見る者の心を揺さぶってやみません。 折しもリニューアル1周年を迎える新生・白白庵のアニバーサリー企画の一環となる今展。 春の訪れとともに開く大輪の花を、とくとご覧ください。 |
Dribbling, flaming, while consuming her energy, she is living. We hold the solo exhibition of the painter, FUJIMOTO Ayako, who debuted about 10 years ago and is getting to break new ground. Since she has deepened her friendship with the director of PAKUPAKUAN, ISHIBASHI Keigo since we were called neutron. And this is the first time to hold her much-awaited solo exhibition here. Added to the representative series of works, “golden fish” and “camellia”, she lively draws fiery sunrise and sunset and shows them at this time. The spectacular red in her works seems to surge from her inside and keeps moving people’s hearts. This exhibition is one of the 1st-anniversary projects of newborn PAKUPAKUAN. I’d like you to look at the large flowers that start to bloom with the arrival of spring. |
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【 松村宗亮(SHUHALLY)による 周年茶会 】 "The first anniversary of Remodeled PAKUPAKUAN" Tea ceremony by MATSUMURA Soryo (SHUHALLY) |
【 オープニングレセプション 】 Opening Reception Party |
酒数奇者・佐々木達郎(『酒器道楽』 主宰)による酒器爛漫・呑みくらべ Sake & Guinomi tasting party, by SASAKI Tatsuro (SAKE SUKISHA / SHUKI DO-RAKU) |
華道家・山田尚俊(大和花道)による「いけばな点前 一期一会」 "ICHI GO ICHI E" Live flower arrangement as the Tea Ceremony, by YAMADA Shoshun (YAMATO KADO) |