Home > Exhibition > KINOTO Kuniko solo exhibition

白 白 庵 企 画 | PAKUPAKUAN presents


世 界 の 片 隅 で 石 を 作 る 。

She makes stones in a world corner

木 ノ 戸 久 仁 子 個 展

Ceramic Artist KINOTO Kuniko solo exhibition "The world petrification plan"
【日 程】 2020年22日(土)- 日(水)*木曜定休
【時 間】 午前11時 - 午後8時
【会 場】 白白庵(3階ギャラリー)

 [Date] Feb 22 (Sat) - Mar 4 (Wed), 2020 *closed on every Thursday.
 [Time] Open: 11:00 am Close: 08:00 pm
 [Place] PAKUPAKUAN (Third Floor)

長い月日がめぐり やがて全てが石になる前に
人の心が形となり 人の記憶が刻まれる

Before many years pass and everything all become stones someday,
I want to create such stones that human minds are taken shape and human memories are engraved on;

KINOTO Kuniko has been creating artificial “stones” with a ceramic technique since she became obsessed with the charms of stones.
She named the stones “Kishouseki”, that is produced like alchemy and has been improving them every day.
She has made artworks mixed Kishouseki with not only objects but also practical vessels such as tea bowls or sake cups. Her works are evaluated by tea masters or art lovers, and she has broadened the range of expression.
In the first exhibition of such an artist in PAKUPAKUAN, would the world be petrified a little? There is more to come!

【 石化呈茶会 】 Petrification Tea Ceremony
日 時 / 2月22日(土) 13:00-18:00
呈 茶 / 矢島 愛子 YAJIMA Aiko(Teaist / 白白庵)
《1,000円(込) 薄茶一服、お菓子付き / 予約不要(先着順40名様)》

[Date] Feb 22 (Satn) 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm
[Tea Serving] YAJIMA Aiko (Teaist / PAKUPAKUAN)
《1,000JPY to Join, No reservation is required.》(Guests will be served in order of arrival, to the first 40 guests.)
【 オープニングレセプション 】 Opening Reception Party
日 時 / 2月22日(土) 17:00-20:00

[Date] Feb 22 (Sat) 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
[Place] 2F counter & salon, 3F gallery
[Drinks] Japanese sake, wine, and more
[Price] Free of charge
《Free to Join, No reservation is required / Invited guest-limited》
【 出 展 作 家 】 Artist
木ノ戸 久仁子 KINOTO Kuniko(陶芸家 / 滋賀)

陶芸家 / 滋賀県在住
1976 滋賀県に生まれる
1995 登り窯窯元宗陶苑にて作陶を始める
1998 ニュージーランドにて一年間作陶
2001 信楽窯業試験所釉薬科 修了
2002 京都に作業場をもつ
2004 信楽町に築窯
2011 比叡平に築窯

Ceramic artist / resident in SHIGA pref.
1976 Born in Shiga Prefecture
1995 Started to make ceramics at Climbing Kiln Pottery Soutouen
    Joined the ceramic artist group “SEEDS”
1998 Made ceramics for 1 year in New Zealand
2001 Completed the Graze Course at Industrial Research Center of Shiga Prefecture
    Made ceramics for 3 months in New Zealand
2002 Set a workplace in Kyoto
2004 Established a kiln at Shigaraki-cho
2011 Established a kiln at Hieidaira

【 企画・ディレクション 】 Direction
石橋 圭吾 ISHIBASHI Keigo(白白庵主宰・アートディレクター)