ギャラリー&オンライン展示 | Gallery & Online exhibition
We call the object “OOPARP”.
白白庵 企画
陶芸・かのう たかお 展
PAKUPAKUAN presents :
Solo exhibition by ceramic artist KANO Takao
【ギャラリー開催】 | 全作品展示販売 / 入場無料 / 予約不要 |
時 間 午前11時~午後7時
会 場 白白庵
【GALLERY exhibition for sale】 | 《No appointment required, entrance free》 |
*Closed on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday (Visitable by appointment)
Please contact us if you hope to visit gallery on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday by mail, telephone, or message from any SNS.
TIME : 11:00am. to 7:00pm.
【オンライン開催】 | 限定数公開・販売 / 閲覧無料 |
会 場 白白庵オンラインショップ 《PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP》 内特設ページ
【ON LINE viewing】 | Limited works |
VENUE : Special issues page on 《PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP》
【SOUL JAM茶会】 | SOUL JAM tea ceremony |
日時 7月29日(土) 午後2時~ (約30分間)
出演 くらもと まき (表千家流・和ノトキ主催)
石橋 圭吾 (白白庵・主宰)
*白白庵Facebookページから配信します。 https://www.facebook.com/pakupakuan
《Live streaming tea ceremony》 viewing free
[Date] July 29 (Sat), 2023 [Time] 14:00 - (about 30min.)
[Talk live] KURAMOTO Maki (Tea master / WANOTOKI)
ISHIBASHI Keigo (Director of “PAKUPAKUAN”)
*Stream on PAKUPAKUAN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pakupakuan
《SOUL JAM 茶会》 有料・要予約
日時 7月29日(土) 午後3時~ / 午後4時~ / 午後5時~(各回約45分間・定員4名)
呈茶 くらもと まき (表千家流・和ノトキ主催)
倉元 優乃介
会場 白白庵 一階 茶室
〔参加 2,000円(込) 薄茶一服、お菓子付き〕 *wagashi302によるオリジナルお菓子を用意致します。
《SOUL JAM tea ceremony》 paid / reservation required
[Date] July 29 (Sat), 2023 [Time] 15:00- / 16:00- / 17:00-(each about 45min. / up to 4 people)
[Tea Serving] KURAMOTO Maki (Tea master / WANOTOKI)
〔2,000JPY to Join (tea with sweets), reservation is required.〕 *Original sweets by “wagashi302”
【 Sunday Sasaki Sake Salon 】
店頭オフライン開催 / 季節の日本酒と作家の器の利き酒会
日 時 7月30日(日) 14:00 ~ 18:00 (予約不要・入れ替え制 / 随時参加可能)
ホスト 佐々木 達郎(酒数奇者 /「酒器道楽」主宰)
ゲスト かのう たかお(陶芸家)
《 参加費 ¥1,000(込)*作品をお買い上げの方は無料 / 作家の器にて日本酒三種試飲・おつまみ付き 》
OFFLINE Party / Japanese sake & sake cups tasting party
[Date] June 30 (Sun), 2023 [Time] 14:00~18:00 (No reservation required/ Participation at any time)
[Host] SASAKI Tatsuro (“Man of well-cultivated tastes for sake” / The representative of “SHUKI DO-RAKU”)
[Guest artist] KANO Takao (Ceramic artist from Kyoto)
《 Fee 1,000 JPY (inc.tax) *No need to pay fee if you bought a work in the exhibition / Tasting 3 kinds of sake using the artist’s sake cups, with snacks 》
筒杯 Tube cup
ぐい呑 Guinomi (sake cup)
舟皿 Boat plate
その物体を オーパープ(OOPARP*) と呼ぶ。
It connects the ancient past with the future, leaving traces and mysteries of the present.
We call this object OOPARP*.
英語の「out-of-place artifacts」を略して「OOPARTS」とした語で、つまり「場違いな工芸品」という意味である。
その、「場違いな工芸品」そのものをアートピース、美術作品と考えられないだろうか? というコンセプトで、
「OOPARP」=「out-of-place art pieces」 から作った造語です。
【What is OOPARP】
There are things called OOPARTS.
This term is short for "out-of-place artifacts," referring to excavated or processed items that are thought to be completely out of place with the location or era they were found in.
The term "OOPARTS" is mainly used for excavated artifacts whose formation or manufacturing method is unknown from an archaeological perspective, or which appear to be difficult or impossible to manufacture with the processing techniques and knowledge of the civilization of the time. It is not an official archaeological term, but is mainly used to emphasize the existence of such artifacts and to cast doubt on common beliefs. (Excerpt from Wikipedia)"
Isn't it possible to consider these "out-of-place artifacts" themselves as art pieces or art objects? Based on this concept, the term "OOPARP" was created from "out-of-place art pieces".
The patterns are quoted and combined from various civilizations, and although they look like something we have seen somewhere before, it is difficult to tell where or when they are from, and their textures and expressions make it difficult to identify the period and materials.
I want to create objects that have an indescribable charm and present them as art pieces.
熱気溢れる「SOUL JAM」をお楽しみ下さい。
With the sophisticated tradition of Kyo-yaki as his backbone, struck by the charm of primitive pottery on African soil, he seeks a tangible touch in the virtual reality of the modern day, relentlessly creating "future relics".
In addition to a series of objects that can be said to be the quintessence of the ceramic artist KANO Takao, he will also present a number of vessels for "indigenous gourmet food (soul food)".
Please enjoy the "SOUL JAM", a passionate harmony of the SOIL, the SOLEIL, and the SOUL.
角G皿 Square “G” plate
茶盌 Tea bowl
茶盌 Tea bowl
茶盌 Tea bowl
水指 Water jar for tea ceremony
【 白白庵オンラインショップ 期間限定 】 PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP For a limited time ※会期終了しました。This exhibition was finished.
OOPARP & オブジェ 作品一覧 "OOPARP" & art object works collection |
OOPARP & オブジェ 作品一覧 "OOPARP" & art object works collection |
OOPARP & オブジェ 作品一覧 "OOPARP" & art object works collection |
OOPARP & オブジェ 作品一覧 "OOPARP" & art object works collection |
白白庵オンラインショップでは上記作品他にもより多くの作品を掲載しております 【期間限定】 かのうたかお 展 「SOUL JAM」 |
and more PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP KANO Takao’s solo exhibition "SOUL JAM" |