Home > Exhibition > ceramic artist TSUDA Tomoko solo exhibition

本門法華宗 大本山 妙蓮寺 | MYOREN-JI TEMPLE

~ 千年の翠の一雫を、すくいたい。 ~
I want to ladle one drop from green of a thousand years into my bowl.

白白庵 企画
陶・津田 友子 展 於 本門法華宗 大本山 妙蓮寺

PAKUPAKUAN presents :
Solo exhibition by ceramic artist TSUDA Tomoko

"MATSU WA TOMOZURE" "Resonance of pine tree / Wait to make a resonance" at MYOREN-JI TEMPLE, Kyoto

【展覧会概要】 入場無料 / 展示即売 / 予約不要
 日 程 2023年5月4日(木・祝)~ 8日(月)
 時 間 午前10時 ~ 午後4時
 会 場 本門法華宗 大本山 妙蓮寺(表書院)
     〒602-8418 京都府京都市上京区妙蓮寺前町875
     TEL. 075-451-3527

【Exhibition details】 《Entrance free / For sale / No reservation required》
 DATE : 2023.5.4 Thu. - 5.8 Mon.
 TIME : 10:00 - 16:00
      875 Myorenjimae-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, JAPAN zip 602-8418
      TEL. 075-451-3527


津田友子展のためのオリジナル舞踏作品 一 夜 限 り の 特 別 舞 踏 公 演

【 我妻 恵美子 演出 「 天 変 地 妖 」
 公 演 5月6日(土)
 開 場 午後5時半  / 開 演 午後6時半(約40分間) / 閉 場 午後8時
 会 場 妙蓮寺(表書院)津田友子展会場内
 演 出 我妻 恵美子(AGAXART主宰)
 舞 踏 我妻 恵美子  塩谷 智司
 音 楽 築山 建一郎
 製 作 白白庵

~メタモルフォーゼ 天上から地上へ、 地下から地上へ~
 料 金 1,500円(税込)
 定 員 30名限定(要予約)
【お問い合わせ・ご予約はメールにて!】info@pakupakuan.jp(担当:白白庵 石橋)

The Original Butoh Performance directed by AGATSUMA Emiko "TEN PEN CHI YO"
Reservation required / Limited to 30 people
 [Date] May 6 (Sat), 2023
 [Time] 17:30 open / 18:30 start / 20:00 close *Performing time : about 40min.
 [Direction] AGATSUMA Emiko (President of AGAXART)
 [Butoh performance] AGATSUMA Emiko, SHIOYA Tomoshi
 [Music] TSUKIYAMA Kenichiro
 [Cooperation] AGAXART

~ Sky moves, and Ghost crawls on the ground ~
 [Ticket fee] 1,500 JPY (inc.tax) Limited to 30 people / Reservation is required
 [Reservation & question] info@pakupakuan.jp

ま つ は と も ず れ MA TSU HA TO MO ZU RE
松 葉 共 擦 れ
Pine needles brushing against each other
待 つ は 共 擦 れ
Waiting together, rubbing against each other
待 つ は 友 連 れ Waiting with friends side by side




This is TSUDA Tomoko’s long-awaited solo exhibition in her hometown of Kyoto, held at Myōrenji temple where she has had a connection for some time.
Set against the backdrop of the tranquil, flowing time of the karesansui stone garden, numerous works will be on display, focusing on her new and representative pieces.
Visitors to the exhibition will be able to view the sliding door paintings and other artworks in the temple for free, which are usually available for a fee.
For those who purchase the works, a tea will be served using TSUDA tomoko’s teabowl.
The artist will be in attendance at the venue every day.

Additionally , don't miss the Butoh performance inspired by TSUDA Tomko’s work.
Reservations are required and are limited, so if you are interested,please make your reservations as soon as possible.

The exhibition will be held during the dazzling fresh greenery of the long holiday season, and we look forward to welcoming visitors from all over the country, who can also enjoy sightseeing in Kyoto.

楽盃 RAKU sake cup

シャンパンカップ 金彩 雨滴聲 Champagne cup / Gold glazed / Sound of raindrops

赤楽香合「七福神宝船」 Red RAKU incense container "Shichifukujin (7 Deities) on the treasure ship"

松向付 蜘蛛の糸 Pine tree shaped plate for side dish / Spider's thread

【出展作家】 Artist
津田 友子 TSUDA Tomoko

陶芸家 / 京都府在住
1975 京都で生まれる
京都府立陶工高等技術専門校 成形科を修了
京都市立工業試験場 陶磁器コース本科を修了
2015 京都花園の窯を「未央窯」と名付ける

公式サイト https://www.tsudatomoko.jp/

Ceramic artist / Resident in Kyoto pref.
1975 Born in Kyoto
1997~ for seven years, studied under YOSHIMURA Rakunyu (the artist of the hand-molded earthenware "RAKU")
Completed Kyoto Prefectural ceramist high technique specialized school, Molding department
Completed Industrial Research Institute of Kyoto, Ceramics course
2015 Named the kiln at Hanazono, Kyoto, as "BIOU KILN"


【企画・ディレクション】 Direction
 石橋 圭吾(白白庵) ISHIBASHI Keigo (PAKUPAKUAN)

楽茶盌「不老長寿」 RAKU tea bowl "perpetual youth and longevity"

楽茶盌「若松ノ絵」 RAKU tea bowl "Painting of young pine"