Home > Exhibition > Solo exhibition by Ceramic artist ITO Chiho

ギャラリー&オンライン展示 | Gallery & Online exhibition

~ 美味しい冬を、召し上がれ ~
Have delicious winter !

白白庵 企画
陶芸・伊藤 千穂 展

PAKUPAKUAN presents :
Solo exhibition by Ceramic artist ITO Chiho

【ギャラリー開催】  全作品展示販売 / 入場無料 / 予約不要
 日 程 1125日(土)~ 12日(日)
 時 間 午前11時~午後7時
 会 場 白白庵

【GALLERY exhibition for sale】  《No appointment required, entrance free》
 DATE : 2023.11.25 Sat. - 12.3 Sun.
     *Closed on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday (Visitable by appointment)
     Please contact us if you hope to visit gallery on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday by mail, telephone, or message from any SNS.
 TIME : 11:00am. to 7:00pm.


【オンライン開催】  限定数公開・販売 / 閲覧無料
 日 時 1125日(土)午後時 ~ 12日(日)午後
 会 場 白白庵オンラインショップ 《PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP》 内特設ページ

【ON LINE viewing】  Limited works
 DATE & TIME : 2023.11.25 Sat. 17:00 - 12.3 Sun. 19:00 (JST)
 VENUE : Special issues page on 《PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP》

【 山田尚俊・いけばな点前「冬の華」】 
【 Live flower arrangement “Winter flower”by YAMADA Shoshun, as the Tea Ceremony 】
日時 11月25日(土) 午後2時~ / 午後3時半~ / 午後5時~(各回約45分間・定員4名)
実演 山田 尚俊(華道家 / 大和花道・家元)
会場 白白庵 一階 茶室
〔参加 2,000円 (込) 薄茶一服、お菓子付〕

paid / reservation required
[Date] November 25 (Sat), 2023 [Time] 14:00- / 15:30- / 17:00-(each about 45min. / up to 4 people)
[Live act] YAMADA Shoshun (Head of YAMATO KADO School)
[Venue] PAKUPAKUAN 1F Tea room
〔2,000JPY to Join (A bowl of tea with sweets)〕
For reservations please call, email or SNS message.

《ライブ配信》 無料配信
日時 11月25日(土) 午後6時半~ (約30分間)
講師 山田  尚俊 (華道家 / 大和花道・家元)
   伊藤  千穂 (陶芸作家)
   石橋  圭吾 (白白庵・主宰)
*白白庵Facebookから配信します。 https://www.facebook.com/pakupakuan

《Live streaming》 viewing free
[Date] November 25 (Sat), 2023
[Time] 18:30 - (about 30min.)
[Live act] YAMADA Shoshun (Head of YAMATO KADO School)
      ITO Chiho (Ceramic artist)
      ISHIBASHI Keigo (President of PAKUPAKUAN)
*Stream on PAKUPAKUAN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pakupakuan


【 Sunday Sasaki Sake Salon
店頭オフライン開催 / 季節の日本酒と作家の器の利き酒会
日 時 11月26日(日) 14:00 ~ 18:00 (予約不要・入れ替え制 / 随時参加可能)
ホスト 佐々木 達郎(酒数奇者 /「酒器道楽」主宰)
ゲスト 伊藤  千穂(陶芸家)
《 参加費 1,000円 (込) *作品をお買い上げの方は無料 / 伊藤千穂の酒器・酒盃にて日本酒三種試飲・おつまみ付き 》

OFFLINE Party / Japanese sake & sake cups tasting party
[Date] November 26 (Sun), 2023 [Time] 14:00~18:00 (No reservation required/ Participation at any time)
[Host] SASAKI Tatsuro (“Man of well-cultivated tastes for sake” / The representative of “SHUKI DO-RAKU”)
[Guest artist] ITO Chiho (Ceramic artist)
《 Fee 1,000 JPY (inc.tax) *No need to pay fee if you bought a work in the exhibition / Tasting 3 kinds of sake using the artist’s sake cups, with snacks 》

線刻黒織部茶碗 Line engraved black ORIBE tea bowl

絵志野湯呑み Pictured SHINO tea cup

noir フリーカップ “noir” free cup

翠玉硝子銀彩フリーカップ Silver spotted green glass free cup


Tea utensils and tableware of "IMA(nowadays) ORIBE” continues to update ORIBE ware.
The ‘KIRAMEKI’ (Glitter) series with its gorgeous gold and silver glazed.
In recent years, ITO Chiho has expanded her range of styles to include Noir (black glaze), KOHIKI(White mud), SHINO, and KAIRAGI (Shrink glaze), and high popularity in both tea utensils and tableware.
At her second solo exhibition after a four-year absence at PAKUPAKUAN, she presents works that combine practicality with a sophisticated design, themed around ‘KITTACHI’ vessels that stand up vertically.
Please enjoy these vessels that will brighten up this winter, perfect for gatherings from Christmas to New Year's.

白椿ぐい呑 White camellia guinomi (sake cup)

紅椿片口&ぐい呑 Red camellia lipped bowl & guinomi (sake cup)

絵志野ぐい呑 Pictured SHINO guinomi (sake cup)

鼠志野ぐい呑 Gray SHINO guinomi (sake cup)

noir 蓋物 “noir” lidded container

【 白白庵オンラインショップ 期間限定 】 PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP For a limited time ※会期終了しました。This exhibition was finished.
茶盌・花器・茶道具 一覧
Tea bowls & items for the tea ceremony
酒器・酒盃 一覧
Sake pitchers & cups
切立(きったち)の器たち 一覧
"KITTACHI" vessels that stand up vertically
白白庵オンラインショップでは上記作品他にもより多くの作品を掲載しております 【期間限定】 陶芸・伊藤 千穂 展 「KITTACHI」
and more PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP Ceramic artist ITO Chiho’s solo exhibition "KITTACHI"

【出展作家】 Artist
伊藤 千穂 ITO Chiho

陶芸家 / 愛知県在住

1999 愛知県立窯業高等技術専門校 卒業
2013 瀬戸市赤津 六兵衛陶苑 にて織部・赤津焼を学ぶ
2005 瀬戸市陶生町に現在の工房を建てる

instagram ito_chiho_redcamellia

Ceramic artist / Resident in Aichi pref.

【Brief personal history】
Born in Nagoya city, Aichi pref.
After graduation from a high school and a vocational school, worked for a hair salon in Nagoya city.
1999 Graduated from Ceramic Vocational Training Institute of Aichi Prefecture
    (Current: Vocational Training Ceramic Institute Nagoya Ceramic School of Aichi Prefecture)
2003 Learn Oribe / Akazu ware at Rokubee Touen in Akadu, Seto city.
    Started to make ceramics in Mizuno, Seto city.
2005 Built the current atelier at Tousei-Cho, Seto city.

【装花協力】Flower decoration
山田  尚俊 (大和花道) YAMADA Shoshun (YAMATO-KADO)

石橋  圭吾 (白白庵) ISHIBASHI Keigo (PAKUPAKUAN)

原土金伊羅保角蓋物 Wild clay & Gold IRABO square lidded container

「煌」蕎麦猪口 “KIRAMEKI (Glitter)” cups

黒織部沓茶碗 Black ORIBE distorted tea bowl
