Home > Exhibition > TSUDA Tomoko solo exhibition

白 白 庵 企 画 阪 神 美 術 画 廊 | PAKUPAKUAN presents Hanshin Art gallery


関 西 で の 久 し ぶ り の 個 展 開 催

Solo exhibition holding after a long absence in Kansai

陶 ・ 津 田 友 子 個 展

Ceramic Artist TSUDA Tomoko solo exhibition "Haru Kitarite Kusa Onozukara Shouzu"
【日 程】 2020年12日(水)- 18日(火)*会期中無休
【時 間】 午前10時 - 午後8時(最終日は17:00まで)
【会 場】 阪神梅田本店 9階 阪神美術画廊
      〒530-8224 大阪府大阪市北区梅田1丁目13-13
      TEL 06-6345-1201(代表)

 [Date] Feb 12 (Wed) - 18 (Tue), 2020
 [Time] Open: 10:00 am Close: 08:00 pm
 [Place] Hanshin Department Store Umeda Main Store 9F Art gallery

TSUDA Tomoko, who makes ceramics in Kyoto and presents them mostly in Tokyo, has a long-awaited solo exhibition in the Kansai area.
The main part of the exhibition is RAKU ware tea bowls and tea utensils that she has been making since she started to learn ceramics.
She has inherited “tradition” and also developed her own style. You would see the present place of the artist, who steadily steps up to one of the artists representing this generation.
And more, this is the opportunity to show the range of her various artworks: The series of high fired tableware, “HENSO”, “Aladdin”, that she has been working on in recent years, and art objects “Guardian” that she released for the first time in the last year.
We would like you to feel the unique possibility of TSUDA Tomoko, who promotes WAZUKACHO Town, Kyoto Prefecture and appears in the media more and more.

【 津田友子作品による呈茶会 】 Tea Ceremony using TSUDA Tomoko’s works
日 時 / 2月17日(月) 13:00-18:00
呈茶 / 齋藤 治
楽茶盌で実際にお茶をいただける、貴重な機会となります。 初心者でも気軽にご参加ください。
《500円(込) 薄茶一服、お菓子付 / 予約不要(先着順40名様)》

[Date] Feb 17 (Mon) 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm
[Tea Serving] SAITO Osamu
《500JPY to Join, No reservation is required.》(Guests will be served in order of arrival, to the first 40 guests.)
【 出 展 作 家 】 Artist
津田 友子 TSUDA Tomoko(陶芸 / 京都)

陶芸家 / 京都府在住
1975 京都で生まれる
京都府立陶工高等技術専門校 成形科を修了
京都市立工業試験場 陶磁器コース本科を修了
2015 京都花園の窯を「未央窯」と名付け、制作に励む。

Ceramic artist / resident in KYOTO pref.
1975 born in Kyoto
1997~ for seven years, studied under YOSHIMURA Rakunyu (the artist of the hand-molded earthenware "RAKU")
completed Kyoto Prefectural ceramist high technique specialized school, Molding department
completed Industrial Research Institute of Kyoto, Ceramics course
2015 named the kiln at Hanazono, Kyoto, as “BIOU KILN” and work hard at production.
A lot of handling in department stores, based in PAKUPAKUAN, Tokyo,
energizing by solo exhibitions, group exhibitions in each place of Japan.

【 企画・ディレクション 】 Direction
石橋 圭吾 (白白庵) ISHIBASHI Keigo (PAKUPAKUAN)