Home > Exhibition > Painter SHIMAKAMI Rikkaʼs first solo exhibition

白白庵 オンライン&ギャラリー企画 | PAKUPAKUAN presents Online & Gallery exhibition

~ イリュージョンの重層の底に潜むものは? ~
What is the thing which lies hidden in the bottom of the multilayer of the illusion?

白白庵 オンライン&ギャラリー企画
画家・シマカミリッカ 初個展
PAKUPAKUAN presents :
Painter SHIMAKAMI Rikkaʼs first solo exhibition


Installation 「ROOMS」featuring「ROOM」 2021 / P100(1120×1620mm)/ Acrylic paint, medium, photo collage on panel

 日時 2022年3月5日(土) 午前11時 ~ 13日(日)午後7時
 会場 白白庵オンラインショップ 《PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP》 内特設ページ

【ON LINE viewing】
 DATE & TIME : 2022.3.5 Sat. 11:00am. - 3.13 Sun. 7:00pm.
 VENUE : Special issues page on 《PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP》
 日程 2022年3月5日(土)・6日(日)・12日(土)・13日(日)《予約不要・入場無料》

 時間 午前11時~午後7時
 会場 白白庵(1階エントランスギャラリー&茶室、2階サロン)

【GALLERY exhibition】
 DATE : Saturday & Sunday during 2022.3.5 Sat. - 3.13 Sun.《No appointment required, entrance free》
 *Please contact us if you hope to visit gallery on Monday or Friday by mail, telephone, or message from any SNS.
 *Closed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
 *Mask wearing, alcohol sterilization, the thermometry at the entrance are required.

 TIME : 11:00am. to 7:00pm.
 VENUE : PAKUPAKUAN (Entrance gallery at 1st floor & Tea room, salon at 2nd floor)

【「GLAZE LAND」ライブ配信】
[日 時] 3月6日(日) 午前10時~ (各45分)
[出 演] 石橋圭吾(白白庵主宰)、 シマカミリッカ(アーティスト)
*白白庵Facebookページから配信します。 https://www.facebook.com/pakupakuan

【Live streaming from the exhibition “GLAZE LAND” in PAKUPAKUAN】
viewing free

[Date] Mar 6 (Sun) 2022 [Time] 10:00~ (each 45min.)
[Talk live] ISHIBASHI Keigo (President of PAKUPAKUAN), SHIMAKAMI Rikka (Artist)
*Stream on PAKUPAKUAN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pakupakuan


あ ら ゆ る も の に 絵 付 け を す る 。
平 面 ・ 空 間 ・ 女 体 ・ 壺 。
と ろ と ろ 。 ど ろ ど ろ 。



Painting all kinds of things.
Two-dimensional work, spaces, female bodies, jars.
Melty. Oozy.

In addition to my paintings, I will be presenting a new series of "paintings of the female body ​​like putting on garments",
"an installation", and "a work that is both painting and sculpture".
The same as before, the overall work focuses on the pictorialization of ceramics, and the structure of the ceramic itself
is converted into a pictorial work.
Playing more freely with texture, I remove my own limiter.


「VASE ROOM」 2021 / F50(910×1167mm)/ Acrylic paint, photo collage on panel

「仏V」 2020 / F50(910×1167mm)/ Acrylic paint, photo collage on panel

「女壺青花」 2021 / S4(333×333mm)/ Acrylic paint, medium on cotton, panel

【 白白庵オンラインショップ 期間限定 】 PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP For a limited time ※会期終了しました。This exhibition was finished.
「ROOM / ROOMS」(インスタレーション)
"ROOM / ROOMS"(Installation)
"Pot woman" series of works
「ceramics / ceramic cube」シリーズ
"ceramics / ceramic cube" series of works
白白庵オンラインショップでは上記作品他にもより多くの作品を掲載しております 【期間限定】 画家・シマカミリッカ 初個展 「GLAZE LAND」
and more PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP Painter SHIMAKAMI Rikka’s first solo exhibition "GLAZE LAND"

【 出展作家 】 Artists
シマカミ リッカ SHIMAKAMI Rikka

画家 / 鹿児島県在住
1991 愛知県生まれ
2014 愛知県立芸術大学油画専攻 卒業
2015 京都府立陶工高等技術専門校図案科 卒業
2017 「第23回 ナマ・イキVOICEアートマーケット」(アミュプラザ鹿児島 / 鹿児島)
2018 「3331 ART FAIR 2018」(アーツ千代田3331 / 東京)
    「神戸アートマルシェ 2018」(神戸メリケンパークオリエンタルホテル / 兵庫)
    「第24回 ナマ・イキVOICEアートマーケット」(アミュプラザ鹿児島 / 鹿児島)
    「未来美展2」(ニワビル / 鹿児島)
2019 アートラウンジ「春待ちのしつらえ」(パークホテル東京 / 東京)
    「梅田0号展 2019」(芝田町画廊 / 大阪)
    「南青山大茶湯」, 「煎茶上等 リターンズ」, 「大縁起物展」(白白庵 / 東京)
2020 「輝け!第一回 壺1グランプリ」(白白庵 / 東京)
   アートラウンジ 春のしつらえ 「壺まつり」(パークホテル東京 / 東京)
2021 「祀画」展(白白庵 / 東京)

Painter / resident in Kagoshima pref.
《Brief Personal History》
1991 born in Aichi
2014 graduated from Aichi University of the Arts Oil Painting Division
2015 graduated from Kyoto Prefectural Ceramics' Technical Institute Pottery Design Course
2015~ Present Concentrate on painting and decorating ceramics (Satsuma ware) in Kagoshima Prefecture
《Major Exhibitions》
2017 23rd Namaiki VOICE Art market (AMU PLAZA KAGOSHIMA / Kagoshima)
2018 3331 AER FAIR 2018 (3331 Arts Chiyoda / Tokyo)
   "KOBE ART MARCHÉ 2018" Exhibited from PAKUPAKUAN (Kobe Meriken Park Oriental Hotel / Hyogo)
   24th Namaiki VOICE Art market (AMU PLAZA KAGOSHIMA / Kagoshima)
   "Miraibi Ten (Exhibition of future beauty)" (Niwabiru / Kagoshima)
2019 ART LOUNGE exhibition "Installation waiting for the spring" (Park Hotel Tokyo / Tokyo)
   "Umeda No.0 (180 x 140 cm canvas) Exhibition 2019"(Shibatacho Gallery / Osaka)
   "Minami Aoyama Great Tea Party", "SENCHA JO-TO / Returns", "Great exhibition of lucky charm" (PAKUPAKUAN / Tokyo)
2020 "The 1st TSUBO-1 Grand prix" (PAKUPAKUAN / Tokyo)
    ART LOUNGE exhibition Spring Installation "TSUBO MATSURI -Pot Festival-" (Park Hotel Tokyo / Tokyo)

【 企画・ディレクション 】 Planning, Direction
 石橋 圭吾 (白白庵) ISHIBASHI Keigo (PAKUPAKUAN)

「Ceramic Cube」 2021 / H92×W174×D174mm / Acrylic paint, medium on cubic measure

「ceramics」 2022 / SSM号(227×227mm) / Acrylic paint, medium on cotton, panel

「女壺」 2021 / S4号(333×333mm) / Acrylic paint, medium on cotton, panel

「Rooms」 2021 / H23×φ10.5cm / Acrylic paint, mediums, glass vase

「Rooms」 2021 / H12×W17×D12cm / Acrylic paint, mediums, stuffed rabbit doll

「Rooms」 2021 / H13.5×φ7.5cm / Acrylic paint, mediums, ceramic vase




白白庵主宰 石橋圭吾

SHIMAKAMI Rikka was scouted and nominated by PAKUPAKUAN in the open call program for artists at the art fair in 2018, "Kobe Art Marche".
Her multilayered paintings, inspired by ceramic painting, have been developing in depth year by year.
This exhibition, the artist's first solo exhibition, will be an opportunity to see her latest works as well as her recent representative works.

The decorative patterns that fill the screen are flat but retain a three-dimensional texture, bringing a sculptural touch to the paintings as illusions.
In addition, the composition of the painting is made up of layers of photo collage and paint, and the use of a transparent material as a support gently fuses the multiple layers of images.
Characters and patterns seem to pop out one after the other from the festive painting, creating a world of new discoveries even after repeated viewings.

As if to explode the emotions of the two years of stagnation and oppression, the fresh colors and energy of her works will be seen.
We will show you all of them online and at the gallery.


「女壺」 2021 / B2(H72.8×W51.5×D2.5cm) / Acrylic paint, mediums, photo, cotton fabric, panel

「ROOM」 2020 / S40号(1,000×1,000mm) / Acrylic paint on tulle, panel