Home > 2019 Exhibition > ITO Chiho solo exhibition

白 白 庵 企 画 | PAKUPAKUAN presents


こ の 冬 の ギ フ ト の 好 適 品

Suitable items for the gift of this winter

伊 藤 千 穂 個 展

Ceramic Artist ITO Chiho solo exhibition "Everyday is someone’s birthday"
[日 程] 2019年11月30日(土) - 12月18日(水) *木曜定休
[時 間] 午前11時 - 午後8時
[会 場] 白白庵(3階ギャラリー)

[Date] Nov 30 (Sat) - Dec 18 (Wed), 2019 *closed on every Thursday.
[Time] Open: 11:00 am Close: 08:00 pm
[Place] PAKUPAKUAN (Third Floor)

華やかな都会の喧騒の中でひっそり佇む市中の草居・白白庵にて、初の個展開催となる人気作家 伊藤千穂。
それぞれの魅力を華道家・山田尚俊(大和花道 家元)による装花で引き立たせ、白白庵ならではのハイブリッドなクリスマスムードをお楽しみいただきたいと思います。
~Everyday is someone’s birthday~
In the Christmas season, ITO Chiho sends you special gifts with all our gratitude.
Winter is the gift season such as year-end gifts, Christmas presents, or souvenirs for parents’ home.
PAKUPAKUAN, that is the hideaway in the bustle of a brilliant urban city, holds the solo exhibition of ITO Chiho for the first time.
She is also popular as “Hyouge Jissaku (Extreme Potters group from the courtesy of a popular comic “HYOUGE MONO” (Yoshihiro Yamada / KODANSHA). However, this exhibition mostly consists of “KIRAMEKI series” that have different charms from Oribe wares.
The brilliant atmosphere in December and the beauty of Wabi in the tea ceremony idea.
Flower artist YAMADA Shoshun (the head of YAMATO flower arrangement) would complement each charm.
I’d like you to enjoy the hybrid Christmas mood in PAKUPAKUAN.
【 オープニングレセプション 】 Opening Reception Party
日時 11月30日(土) 17:00-20:00

[Date] Nov 30 (Sat) 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
[Drinks] Japanese sake, wine, and more
[Price] Free of charge
《Free to Join, No reservation is required.》
【 日日是呈茶会 】 Celebration Tea Ceremony
日時 12月8日(日) 13:00-18:00
呈茶 矢島 愛子 YAJIMA Aiko(Teaist / 白白庵)

[Date] Dec 8 (Sun) 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm
[Tea Serving] YAJIMA Aiko (Teaist / PAKUPAKUAN)
《500JPY to Join, No reservation is required.》(Guests will be served in order of arrival, to the first 40 guests.)
【 出 展 作 家 】 Artist(敬称略)
伊藤 千穂 ITO Chiho(陶芸 / 愛知)

陶芸家 / 愛知県在住
1999 愛知県立窯業高等技術専門校 卒業
2013 瀬戸市赤津 六兵衛陶苑 にて織部・赤津焼を学ぶ
2005 瀬戸市陶生町に現在の工房を建てる

Ceramic artist / resident in AICHI pref.
Born in Nagoya city.
After graduation from a high school and a vocational school, she worked for a hair salon in Nagoya city.
1999 Graduated from Ceramic Vocational Training Institute of Aichi Prefecture (Current: Vocational Training Ceramic Institute Nagoya Ceramic School of Aichi Prefecture)
    Learn Oribe / Akazu ware at Rokubee Touen in Akadu, Seto city.
    Started to make ceramics in Mizuno, Seto city.
2005 Built the current atelier at Tousei-Cho, Seto city.
A lot of handling in domestic galleries and department stores, energizing by solo exhibitions, group exhibitions.

【 装花協力 】 Flower arrangement cooperation
華道家・山田 尚俊 YAMADA Shoshun (Flower artist)
【 企画・ディレクション 】 Directior
石橋 圭吾 ISHIBASHI Keigo(白白庵主宰・アートディレクター)