Home > 2019 Exhibition > Accessories "t nouge" by SEKIBE Nastumi, Bag "misin-ya" by YAMADA Ayako collaborated exhibition

白 白 庵 企 画 | PAKUPAKUAN presents


こ れ さ え あ れ ば 、 ど こ に だ っ て 行 け る 。

I can go everywhere, with this item.

Accessories t nouge

Bag misin-ya

Accessories "t nouge" by SEKIBE Nastumi, Bag "misin-ya" by YAMADA Ayako collaborated exhibition
"A/W collection 2019"
[日 程] 2019年8月24日(土) - 9月4日(水) *木曜定休
[時 間] 午前11時 - 午後8時
[会 場] 白白庵(3階ギャラリー)
[Date] Aug 24 (Sat) - Sep 4 (Wed), 2019 *NOTE: We are closed on every Thursday.
[Time] Open: 11:00 am Close: 08:00 pm
[Place] PAKUPAKUAN (Third Floor)
お 気 に 入 り の ア ク セ サ リ ー と
ご 自 慢 の 野 点 バ ッ グ が あ れ ば
わ た し は ど こ に だ っ て 行 け る 。

彦根の自宅兼ギャラリー「髙橋美術」で、鋭く研ぎ澄まされた感性のアクセサリーを作る赤部夏美のブランド「t nouge」と、信楽で着物や浴衣生地にミシンで刺繍を施し、大胆でポップなバッグを制作する やまだあやこのブランド「misin-ya」。
when I have favorite accessories and a vaunted bag for the outside tea ceremony, I can go everywhere.
“t nouge” is the personal brand of SEKIBE Natsumi, who makes accessories with keenly honed sensitivity Home gallery “ART TAKAHASHI” in Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture. “misin-ya” is the brand established by YAMADA Ayako, who embroideries on kimono or yukata clothes with a sewing machine and creates bold and pop bags.
They live in Shiga Prefecture and both of their partners are artists such as a painter and a ceramic artist respectively. Such two of them will be holding their exhibition of autumn / winter collections at newborn PAKUPAKUAN.
Each of their works is individual style, which would touch male heart, not to mention female. It is good to take them with you or to decorate your room with them.
I’d like you to be looking forward to “outside” tea ceremony at the rooftop balcony of PAKUPAKUAN over 2 days.
【 野 点 英 国 風 午 後 茶 会 】
日時 8月24日(土)・25日(日) 13:00-18:00
呈茶 矢島 愛子 YAJIMA Aiko(Teaist / 白白庵)
料金 ¥500 (薄茶一服、お菓子付) *アクセサリー試着は無料
また、 t nougeのアクセサリーの試着会も同時開催。過ぎ行く夏を惜しみつつ、この秋からの装いをご提案。
【English afternoon tea styled Open-air tea ceremony w. fitting party of t nouge accessories】
[Date] Aug 24 (Sat), 25 (Sun) 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm
[Place] Rooftop balcony of PAKUPAKUAN
[Tea Serving] YAJIMA Aiko (Teaist / PAKUPAKUAN)
500JPY to Join the tea ceremony, No reservation is required
《Guests will be served in order of arrival, to the first 30 guests.》
【 出 展 作 家 】 Artist(敬称略)
t nouge | 赤部 夏美 SEKIBE Natsumi(アクセサリー / 滋賀)

アクセサリー作家 / 滋賀県在住
1979 滋賀県彦根市生まれ
2000 京都芸術短期大学造形学部 卒業
2005 個人作家としてアクセサリー制作をスタート
2006 ハンガリーに遊学
2008 「t nouge」(タ・ヌージュ)として滋賀県彦根市の自宅アトリエにて制作販売開始

Accessories designer / resident in Shiga pref.
1979 Born in Shiga Prefecture
2000 Graduated from Kyoto Junior College of Art , molding department
2005 Started activity as a solo accessories designer
2006 Self studied in Hungary
2008 Started activity as self brand “t nouge” at home gallery in Hikone, Shiga pref.

misin-ya | やまだ あやこ YAMADA Ayako(刺繍バッグ / 滋賀)

刺繍バッグ作家 / 滋賀県在住
大阪芸術大学工芸学科 卒業

Bag designer / resident in Shiga pref.
Born in Hyogo prefecture.
Graduated from Osaka University of Arts, Crafts Department.
Open an atelier at Shigaraki city, Shiga Pref.
I collage many scraps of clothes and produces bags, accessories, artworks, inspired by a variety of beautiful clothes such as vintage silk, cotton, wool and embroidered cloth.

【 企画・ディレクション 】 Directior
石橋 圭吾 ISHIBASHI Keigo(白白庵 PAKUPAKUAN | 有限会社ニュートロン neutron Ltd.)