Home > 2019 Exhibition > KOBE ART MARCHE 2019

第11回 神戸アートマルシェ 出展参加 | The 11th KOBE ART MARCHE Participation in exhibitions


ひ と 目 惚 れ は 、 突 然 に 。

Meet Art, Meet Artist

The 11th KOBE ART MARCHE art fair will be held in Kobe Meriken Park Oriental Hotel.
This hotel is surrounded by the sea on three sides.
Galleries all over Japan decorate guest rooms with art.
Please come and see us in Kobe.

[日 程] 2019年9月27日(金) - 29日(日)
[時 間] 午前11時 - 午後19時
[会 場] 神戸メリケンパークオリエンタルホテル13階(白白庵 1324号室)
    〒650-0042 兵庫県神戸市中央区波止場町5-6
[入場料] 1,000円 (3日間通し券)
[Date] Sep 27 (Fri.) - 29 (Sun.), 2019
[HOURS] 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
[Place] Kobe Meriken Park Oriental Hotel
[Admission fee] 1000 yen
[ 神戸アートマルシェ ] Official website http://www.art-marche.jp/2019/
【 出 展 作 家 】 Artists
津田 友子 TSUDA Tomoko(陶芸 / 京都)

room 1324 白白庵

1975 京都で生まれる
京都府立陶工高等技術専門校 成形科を修了
京都市立工業試験場 陶磁器コース本科を修了
2015 京都花園の窯を「未央窯」と名付け、制作に励む。

1975 born in Kyoto
1997~ for seven years, studied under YOSHIMURA Rakunyu (the artist of the hand-molded earthenware “RAKU”)
    completed Kyoto Prefectural ceramist high technique specialized school, Molding department
    completed Industrial Research Institute of Kyoto, Ceramics course
2015 named the kiln at Hanazono, Kyoto, as “BIOU KILN” and work hard at production.

A lot of handling in department stores, based in PAKUPAKUAN, Tokyo, energizing by solo exhibitions,
group exhibitions in each place of Japan.

【実行委員長】 Executive Committee Chairman
石橋   圭吾 ISHIBASHI Keigo(白白庵)