白白庵 ギャラリー&オンライン企画 | PAKUPAKUAN presents Gallery & Online exhibition
~ 「うつわ」を通して探る私たちの精神の土台 ~
Exploring the foundation of our spirit through “UTSUWA”
Exhibition to cerebrate the publicationof 'Japanese contemporary UTSUWA studies 1'
【ギャラリー開催】 |
全作品展示販売 / 入場無料 / 予約不要 |
日程 2022年10月15日(土)・16日(日)・22日(土)・23日(日)
時間 午前11時~午後7時
会場 白白庵(1階エントランスギャラリー&茶室、2階サロン)
【GALLERY exhibition】 |
《No appointment required, entrance free》 |
DATE : Saturday & Sunday during 2022.10.15 Sat. - 10.23 Sun.
*Please contact us if you hope to visit gallery on Monday or Friday by mail, telephone, or message from any SNS.
*Mask wearing, alcohol sterilization, the thermometry at the entrance are required.
TIME : 11:00am. to 7:00pm.
VENUE : PAKUPAKUAN (Entrance gallery at 1st floor & Tea room, salon at 2nd floor)
日時 2022年10月16日(日) 午後5時 ~ 23日(日)午後7時
会場 白白庵オンラインショップ 《PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP》 内特設ページ
【ON LINE viewing】 |
Limited to top 60 works |
DATE & TIME : 2022.10.16 Sun. 5:00pm. - 10.23 Sun. 7:00pm.
VENUE : Special issues page on 《PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP》
【 トークライブ・ゆめしか読書会DX 】 |
【 Yumeshika Reading Group DX 】 |
観覧無料 / 配信視聴無料
[日 時] 10月15日(土) 午後4時~5時 (約1時間)
[出 演] 大槻 香奈(作家)
石橋 圭吾(白白庵 主宰)
[会 場] 白白庵 1階 エントランスギャラリー
*白白庵Instagramページから配信します。 https://www.instagram.com/pakupakuan/
viewing free at gallery / online
[Date] Oct 15 (Sat), 2022 [Time] 16:00~17:00 (about 60min.)
[Talk live] OHTSUKI Kana (Artist)
[Venue] PAKUPAKUAN (1F / entrance gallery)
*Stream on PAKUPAKUAN Instagram https://www.instagram.com/pakupakuan/
The Yumeshika Reading Group is held on an ongoing basis to delve into the "UTSUWA” perspective.
This time, the contents of 'Japanese Contemporary Utsuwa Theory 1' will be introduced while surrounded by actual exhibited works.
The perspective of 'UTSUWAʼ will be clarified through a dialogue with ISHIBASHI Keigo,
who is familiar with the transition of OHTSUKI Kanaʼs works since her debut at neutron, the predecessor of PAKUPAKUAN.
【 大槻香奈の「誰でも相談お茶会」 】 |
【 OHTSUKI Kanaʼs consultation tea ceremony for everyone 】 |
[日 時] 10月16日(日) 午後1時~ / 午後3時~ / 午後5時~(各回定員3名・約60分)
[亭 主] 大槻 香奈(作家)
[会 場] 白白庵 1階 茶室
[料 金] ¥2,000(税込) 薄茶一服・お菓子付き
paid / reservation required
[Date] Oct 16 (Sun), 2022 [Time] 13:00~ / 15:00~ / 17:00~ (each about 60min. / 3 people)
[Host] OHTSUKI Kana (Artist)
[Venue] PAKUPAKUAN (1F / tea ceremony room)
[Charge] ¥2,000 (inc. tax) A cup of green tea with sweets
An expanded version of the irregular OHTSUKI Kanaʼs project 'Artist Consultation Teaʼ.
The consultation tea usually supports artists who are struggling with the direction of their activities,
but this time anyone's worries will be unravelled from the UTSUWA perspective.
池田はるか「ふたり山水」 IKEDA Haruka “Two Girlsʼ SANSUI”
伊豆野一政「豆皿(4枚組)」 IZUNO Kazumasa “Mini dish (Set of 4)”
近未来「ふたり」 KINMIRAI “TWO”
“JAPANESE HYBRID ART”を標榜する白白庵という場と交錯することで、「うつわ」を手がかりに日本文化を捉え直す同書の試みはより重層的かつ立体的に響くことでしょう。 |
In November 2021, "Japan Contemporary Utsuwa Theory 1" was published by YUMESHIKA Shuppan, initiated by Kana Otsuki (artist).
Focusing on the “UTSUWA”(vessel) nature found in Japanese art expression, the book attempts to research and record the "UTSUWA” nature from all angles, taking various genres such as novels, poetry, illustrations, three-dimensional works, criticism, design, and pottery as its starting point.
This exhibition is the culmination of the various events held and participated in under the name of YUMESHIKA Publishing over the past year since its publication, and will finally bring together the works of the artists featured in the book.
The venue of the exhibition, PAKUPAKUAN, is the gallery managed by AOYAMA Yasufumi, the editor in chief, and is also the place where OHTSUKI Kana created the turning point in her career as an artist, and the place that inspired the publication of “Japanese Contemporary UTSUWA Theory 1" .
By intersecting with PAKUPAKUAN, which advocates "JAPANESE HYBRID ART," the book's attempt to reconsider Japanese culture using "Utsuwa" as a clue will resonate in a more multilayered and three-dimensional way. |
北浦朋恵「ウサ・アマテラス・アマ」 KITAURA Tomoe “USA AMATERASU AMA”
Naganeo/ 「風景_01」 Naganeo/ “Scenery_01”
七菜乃「in the room 09」 NANANANO “in the room 09”
【 白白庵オンラインショップ 期間限定 】 PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP For a limited time ※会期終了しました。This exhibition was finished.
池田 はるか IKEDA Haruka |
伊豆野 一政 IZUNO Kazumasa |
大槻 香奈 OHTSUKI Kana |
北浦 朋恵 KITAURA Tomoe |
たま TAMA |
Naganeo/ |
白白庵オンラインショップでは上記作品他にもより多くの作品を掲載しております 【期間限定】「日本現代うつわ論1」発刊記念展 UTSUWA |
and more PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP Exhibition to cerebrate the publicationof [Japanese contemporary UTSUWA studies 1] "UTSUWA" |
【出展作家】 Artists(敬称略・五十音順)
池田 はるか IKEDA Haruka (絵画 / 東京, Painting / Tokyo) 作家・イラストレーター, Artist・Illustrator
2011 女子美術大学短期大学部絵画コース 卒業
武蔵野美術大学油絵科 編入
2013 武蔵野美術大学油絵科 卒業
2020 個展「わたしとあのこのいつかのやりとり」(東京)
グループ展「good morning」(mount tokyo / 東京)
グループ展「2021年の雛祭り」(shuuue / 東京)
2021 個展「ふたりあそび」(BLANK / 東京)
2022 グループ展「あしたのゆめしか展」(art complex center / 東京)
個展「あの子、家、わたし」(art complex center / 東京)
グループ展「Nice people #9」(mount tokyo / 東京) |
【Brief personal history】
Born 14th of December, 1990
2011 Graduated from Joshibi University of Art and Design, Junior College of Art and Design, Painting Course
Transferred to Musashino Art University, Department of Oil Painting
2013 Graduated from Musashino Art University, Department of Oil Painting
She creates illustrations and paintings of the misaligned interactions between two girls.Through the appearance of the two girls, who have opposite personalities, she portrays the "childishness" that everyone has towards themselves and their partners in a friendly and comical way.
【Major exhibitions in recent years】
2020 Solo exhibition "Someday exchange between me and her" (Tokyo)
2021 Group exhibition "good morning" (mount tokyo / Tokyo), Group exhibition "Hinamatsuri in 2021" (shuuue / Tokyo), Solo exhibition "Futari Asobi" (BLANK / Tokyo)
2022 Group exhibition "Ashita no Yumeshika" (art complex centre / Tokyo)
Solo exhibition "That girl, House, Me" (art complex centre / Tokyo), Group exhibition "Nice people #9" (mount tokyo / Tokyo) |
Official website harusuriki.wixsite.com / Twitter @komiyaki / Instagram @anokotowatashi |
伊豆野 一政 IZUNO Kazumasa (陶芸家 / 埼玉, Ceramic artist / Saitama)
1974 秋田県に生まれる
1999 京都造形芸術大学デザイン科情報デザイン 卒業
寺垣外窯(てらがいどうがま)杉本貞光 入門
2005 独立
1974 Born in Akita pref.
1999 Graduated from the Department of Information Design at Kyoto University of Art and Design
Became a discipline of SUGIMOTO Sadamitsu at Teragaidougama kiln.
2005 Independent |
大槻 香奈 OHTSUKI Kana (画家・イラストレーター・美術作家 / 京都, Painter, Illustrator, Artist / Kyoto)
Born in 1984
Made her debut in 2007, and has participated in various exhibitions whether domestic or foreign. She captures contemporary Japan as “pupa” and attempts to draw the world including what to be born and what to be dying from an objective viewpoint. |
北浦 朋恵 KITAURA Tomoe (絵画 / 埼玉, Painter・Illustrator / Saitama)
1984 埼玉県生まれ, 2007 武蔵野美術大学造形学部基礎デザイン学科 卒業
2018 「ひとつぶのことばのために」(The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo / 東京)
2022 「園」(The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo / 東京)
2020 「ひなまつり*展」(ondo tosabori / 大阪)(ondo STAY EXHIBITION / 東京)
2021 「Neo-Waryu in SEOUL」(GALLERY IRRITUM TOKYO / 東京)(AUGHT Books Arts / 韓国)
「2021年の雛祭り」(shuuue / 東京)
2020 「ART BUSAN」GALLERY IRRITUM TOKYOより出品(BEXCO Exhibition Center / 韓国)'21,'22 |
【Brief personal history】
1984 Born in Saitama Prefecture, Japan. , 2007 Graduated from Musashino Art University, Department of Basic Design.
Works mainly on artworks and book illustrations.
She expresses the form of the object she wants to depict by combining the individual features of the object, such as blurring and distortion, into a line.
Based on her own experiences of familiarity and grief, she uses acrylics and colored pencils to draw people and animals in a way that is soft but also conveys a sense of uprightness.
【Solo exhibition】
2018 "For a drop of the word"(The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo / Tokyo), 2022 "Garden"(The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo / Tokyo)
【Group exhibition】
2020 "Exhibition of Doll's festival"(ondo tosabori / Osaka)(ondo STAY & EXHIBITION / Tokyo)
2021 "HINAMATSURI in 2021"(shuuue / Tokyo), "Neo-Waryu in SEOUL"(GALLERY IRRITUM TOKYO / Tokyo)(AUGHT Books & Arts / Korea)
【Art fair】
2020 ”ART BUSAN" exhibited from GALLERY IRRITUM TOKYO(Tokyo)/ BEXCO Exhibition Center(Korea)('21, '22) |
Official website http://tomoe-kitaura.com/ |
近未来 KINMIRAI (人形・造形 / 埼玉, Doll artist / Saitama)
大分県立芸術文化短期大学卒業後 エコール·ド·シモンにて人形を学び独立。
【Brief personal history】
1983 Born in Oita prefecture
After graduating from Oita Junior College of Arts and Culture, she studied puppetry at Ecole de Simon and started her own activity.
To put concepts, emotions and nature into the form of dolls is her purpose.
Also sells Omusubi rice balls at Saitama. |
たま TAMA (絵画 / 大阪, Painting / Osaka) 少女主義的水彩画家 / Girlism watercolor painter
大阪芸術大学卒業 嵯峨美術大学客員教授
ロリィタブランド〝Royal Princess Alice″のイラストレーターとしても活動中。
アトリエサードより多数刊行。 近年では、
[Deep Memories -少女主義的水彩画集Ⅶ-](同画集シリーズⅠ~Ⅵも好評発売中!)
【Brief personal history】
Born in Fukui Prefecture. Lives and works in Osaka.
Graduated from Osaka University of Arts. Visiting professor at Saga University of Arts.
Develops her own unique, creepy-cute maiden world using only transparent watercolours.
Also active as an illustrator for the Lolita brand “Royal Princess Alice″. |
She has published a number of books from Atelier Third.
In recent years,.
[Deep Memories - Shoujyoshiki-teki Watercolour Collection VII] (also on sale in the same series I - VI!)
[Night Dream Flight - Dark fairy tale picture book series II] Tama (pictures) x MOAI no Noboru (text and photographs) |
Official website www.tamaxxx.com/ / Twitter @tama3xxx / Instagram @tama_watercolor |
Naganeo/ Naganeo/ (ビジュアルアート / 石川, Visual art / Ishikawa) ビジュアルアーティスト / Visual artist
Born in Ishikawa pref
After graduating from junior college, "Naganeo/" started creating artworks as a form of self-help.
Originally, "Naganeo/" continued to create artworks for own, but around 2015 it is started to showcase artworks to the outside world. To date, "Naganeo/" continues to create emotional works based on 'complexes'. Also works as a representative of the design office 'WITCH'. |
七菜乃 NANANANO (写真 / 東京, Photograph / Tokyo) 写真家・モデル / Photographer・model
モデル活動中より、2015年 作家デビュー
『My Aesthetic Feeling』(芸術新聞社刊)
【Brief personal history】
Debuted as a photographer in 2015 while acting as a model.
She mainly shoots and publishes female nudes.
"My Aesthetic Feeling" (Geijutsu Shinbunsha)
"Dress called the naked body" (Geijutsu Shinbunsha)and others are currently on sale. |