Home > Exhibition > ceramic artist YAMADA Hiroyuki POP Up Solo exhibition

アートオブジェクトオーディオスピーカー POP Up展示 | POP Up exhibition of the art-object audio speaker

~ キミと一緒に 歌ってあげる ~
I’ll sing a song with you.

南青山・白白庵 企画


Minami-Aoyama PAKUPAKUAN presents :
POP Up exhibition of the art-object audio speaker
"Cave340" by ceramic artist YAMADA Hiroyuki

【ギャラリー開催】  全作品展示販売 / 入場無料
日 程 前期 / 2025年2月1日(土)~ 9日(日)
    後期 / 2025年2月15日(土)~ 3月2日(日)
    *前・後期とも 会期中の木曜定休
時 間 午前11時~午後7時
会 場 白白庵 3階ギャラリー

【GALLERY exhibition for sale】  Exhibit all works / Entrance free
DATE : The first half / 2025.2.1 Sat. - 2.9 Sun.
     The latter half / 2025.2.15 Sat. - 3.2 Sun.
*Closed on Thursday during exhibition
TIME : 11:00am. to 7:00pm.
VENUE : PAKUPAKUAN 3rd floor gallery

【オンライン開催】  限定作品 公開・販売 / 閲覧無料
 日 時 2025年2月1日(土) 午前11時 ~ 3月2日(日) 午後7時
 会 場 白白庵オンラインショップ 《PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP》 内特設ページ

【ON LINE viewing】  Selected works / viewing free
 DATE & TIME : 2025.2.1 Sat. 11:00 - 3.2 Sun. 19:00
 VENUE : Special issues page on 《PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP》


Cave 340 “ビグザム” Cave 340 “BIGZAM”


Even when you're happy,
And when you're sad,
I'll sing with you.

作品名「Cave 340」は陶芸家・山田浩之の生み出す世界で一つだけのアート・スピーカー。
Cave 340は老若男女どなたでも楽しめるパーソナル・オーディオであり、ユーモラスなオブジェでもあるのです。


The work entitled “Cave 340” is a one-of-a-kind art speaker created by ceramic artist YAMADA Hiroyuki.
The work's title, "Cave 340," is a coined term that combines the shape of the back-loaded horn method YAMADA adopted, likened to a "cave", and the number "340" that represents the speed of sound (*generally considered to be 340m per second at a normal temperature of 15°C).
Codenames are assigned as nicknames to the lovable, somewhat irresistible character-like shapes.
Easily enjoyed via Bluetooth operations from your smartphone, the warmth and resonance of the sound born from its unique shape become individual characteristics that are never the same.
While conventional audio devices are often considered "for enthusiasts", Cave 340 is a personal audio that can be enjoyed by anyone, young or old, male or female, and it is also a humorous object.
They will be an indispensable part of our lives in the future, as "one in the family" (or even two or three), as they will be attractive and entertaining in every situation.

This year, as part of the 2025 Valentine's Day special, we will be introducing our latest creations in a pop-up exhibit.
We hope you will find one you love with your eyes and ears!

Cave 340 “Balloon” Cave 340 “Balloon”

【 白白庵オンラインショップ 期間限定 】 PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP For a limited time
#67 ビグザム #70 Balloon #72 Sou Sou #49 Unplugged man #77 Hanuman Ⅱ #73 Gargantua tube

【出展作家】 Artist
山田 浩之 YAMADA Hiroyuki
陶芸家 / 滋賀 Ceramic artist / Resident in Shiga pref.

公式サイト http://miyamachihouse.com/
1970 兵庫県篠山市生まれ
1992 岡山大学卒業
1993 丹波立杭焼窯元で修業
1994 滋賀県立陶芸の森の研修作家として作陶
1996 信楽町黄瀬にて独立
2001 信楽町宮町に工房を移転
2001,2 IW.Conch(アメリカF.L)に参加
2002 陶芸の森にて大壷製作
2004,05 韓国Yeojuにてワークショップ
2005 The Museum of Fine Arts, Houstonにてワークショップ、特別展覧会
2008 アートイベント「信楽ACT」主宰、出展(ʼ09,ʼ10,ʼ12)
2012 びわこビエンナーレ出展 (ʼ14)
2013 土湯アラフドアートアニュアル出展
    ウッタラヤアートファウンデーション 招待作家
2017 京畿道世界陶磁ビエンナーレ 招待作家
2017 滋賀県文化奨励賞 受賞

Taipei County Yingge Ceramics Museum
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston USA
World Ceramic Center, Yeoju Korea
World Ceramic Center, Icheon Korea
Uttarayan Art Foundation Gujarat , India
Clayarch Gimhae Museum, Korea
EKWC, Holland
  1970 Born in Hyogo Pref., Japan
1992 National Okayama University
1993 Apprenticeship with pottery, Tanba, Japan
1994 Artist-in-residence, The Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park, Japan
1996 Established The Ceramic Studio at Kinose, Shigaraki
2001 Moved to Miyamachi, Shigaraki
2001,02 Workshop, IW.Conch(F.L. USA)
2004,05 Workshop, Yeoju, Korea
2005 Workshop, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston USA
2008 Managed the Art Event”Shigaraki ACT 2008′′
2008-12 Managed the Art Event”Shigaraki ACT 2009′′
2012 Biwako biennale exhibit(2014)
    International ceramic Workshop in Yeoju, Korea
2013 Tsuchiyu Arafudo Art Annual exhibition
    Uttarayan art foundation, India guest artist
2014 Biwako Biennale exhibition
2017 Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale, Guest artist, Korea
2017 Received the Shiga Prefecture Cultural Prize, Encouragement Award 2017

The Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park
MIHO MUSEUM, Shigaraki
Taipei County Yingge Ceramics Museum
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston USA
World Ceramic Center, Yeoju Korea
World Ceramic Center, Icheon Korea
Uttarayan Art Foundation Gujarat , India
Clayarch Gimhae Museum, Korea
EKWC, Holland


【企画・ディレクション】 Direction
 石橋 圭吾 (白白庵) ISHIBASHI Keigo(PAKUPAKUAN)

Cave 340 “Sou Sou” Cave 340 “Sou Sou”

"Come listen to our sounds."

「山田浩之 Cave340 オリジナルPV(2023年)」 YAMADA Hiroyki “Cave 340” original PV (2023)